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"Project Nassau" was the designation given by Mitch Werbell and CBS News for the invasion of Haiti by Haitians, Cubans and American Soldiers of Fortune.  Planning began in the Spring of 1966 when CBS became aware. The actual designation was OPERATION ISTANBUL.  They decided to take the opportunity to film an actual Caribbean revolution.  The producer and film crew were dispatched to Miami with Mitchell Werbell as an advisor.  Freelance journalists also filtered in, like Andrew St. George and Tom Dunkin.  Filming for the CBS production was from a rented boat called "The Poor Richard" by a man known as William Harvey.  Rifles were rented by CBS and filming took place in a South Miami park.  Most of the CBS production crew were informants for one Government agency or another so the entire invasion was stopped in early January 1967 with the arrest of 75 would-be invaders.  Congress held hearings on the matter to determine if CBS was financing revolutions.  Here are some documents that pertain to this event.

PROCLAMATION to the Haitian People re: Project Nassau .. to be given by the invaders after toppling Duvalier.
Index to Network News Documentary Practices CBS Project Nassau ..
A Congressional Investigation into Project Nassau which contains a chronology.
Tom Dunkin's Deposition re: Project Nassau  .. to subcommittee.
U.S. Customs History of PROJECT NASSAU termination .. Jan 1967
Telegram to the White House by Constanzo 1967  .. and answer from INS

Indictments in Project Nassau (first indictment)

List of CUSTOMS Agents re: Project Nassau .. These men helped build the case against Masferrer et al.
List of Haiti Invaders .. List does not include everyone involved.

Photographs and map of the staging area for the invasion.
Robert K Brown and the Invasion of Haiti (Bob is the editor of Soldier of Fortune Magazine )

END  Document

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